Sunday, August 24, 2008

I can knit, well sort of......

I had left Friday evening open so when Lisa Pavelka mentioned she had openings in her class for "Knitted Wire Bracelet" and after she explained that we would not be using knitting needles, etc., I signed up and I am so glad that I did! As promised, no knitting needles, and with Lisa's help as well as Haley's, I came home with this absolutely gorgeous bracelet! The photo doesn't show it very well, but it is made up of 100 purple and clear crystal beads in a wire mesh. It really sparkles in the light! And it was all done in an evening class!

1 comment:

Cris said...

Hi Carol

I really would like to see your bracelet and clay necklace. I will be at dinner Thursday night
(Sauces). If you can bring with....

Very impressed Cris